Hello world

Tesseract.art is a collaboration between Dr Richard Savery

Tesseract.art is a collaboration between
Dr Richard Savery

Tesseract.art is a collaboration between
Dr Richard Savery

Justin and Richard originally met in 2018 via Hanson Robotics, while collaborating on a project to teach the Sophia robot how to play piano and develop improvisational skills.

Tesseract.art started from an idea during a discussion in early February 2022, first culminating in a proof of concept performance on July 5th 2022 where a small desktop robot created some first paintings

and continued towards a first public performance with a Universal Robots UR3e and OnRobot gripper in May 2023

leading to a newly invented end effector for the robot which consists of a 3D printed hand with 4 brushes, linear actuators, and accompanying electronics with peristaltic pumps to deliver paint to the canvas. The first trial performance of this generation of Tessa was in August 2023

and now the project continues, to improve brush stroke generation in the AI agent, and to increase the number of colours that Tessa can choose to paint with.

If you would like to find out more details, please check out our updates page and watch our videos :)

Tesseract.art © 2024

Tesseract.art © 2024

Tesseract.art © 2024